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Tears and crying, sometimes passing quickly, are frequent accompaniments of hysterical syndrome. Autonomic disorders are manifested by tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, shortness of breath, sensations of throat compression�the so-called. hysterical coma, vomiting, redness or blanching of the skin, etc.
A grand hysterical attack is very rare, and usually occurs with hysterical syndrome that occurs in individuals with organic lesions of the central nervous system. Usually, movement disorders in hysterical syndrome are limited to tremor of the limbs or the whole body, elements of astasia-abasia - wobbly legs, slow sagging, difficulty walking.
Occasionally, hysterical blindness can be encountered, usually in the form of prolapseI have separate fields of view. Disorders of skin sensitivity (hypoesthesia, anesthesia) reflect the “anatomical” ideas of patients about the zones of innervation. Therefore, disorders involve, for example, entire parts or an entire limb on one and the other half of the body. The most pronounced hysterical syndrome is with hysterical reactions within the framework of psychopathy, hysterical neurosis and reactive states. In the latter case, the hysterical syndrome can be replaced by states of psychosis in the form of delusional fantasies, puerilism and pseudodementia.
These syndromes are an expression of the next, deeper level of mental disorder. With affective syndromes, a change occurs in the functioning of the brain at the diencephalic level, which regulates the body�s biotone, mood and pace of mental processes. Affective (emotional) syndromes are psychopathological conditions in the form of persistent changes in mood, most often manifested by its decrease (depression) or increase (mania) and apatoabulic syndrome.
Depression and mania are the most common mental disorders. In terms of frequency, they occupy first place in the clinic of major psychiatry and are very common in borderline mental illnesses. Affective syndromes are constantly encountered at the onset of mental illnesses; they can remain the predominant disorder throughout their entire course, and when the disease becomes more complicated, they can coexist for a long time with various other, more severe psychopathological disorders. When the disease pattern reverses, depression and mania are often the last to disappear.
The appearance of the patients corresponds to their difficult mental state. the pose is bent, the head is lowered, the expression is mournful, the gaze is extinguished. In this state, patients are not able to enjoy even very good events that are important to them, that is, they are inaccessible to the opposite affects. They look clearly older than their age.
Sometimes, in cases (where at first the ideas of sinfulness, self-worth and guilt dominated), patients declare that they are the most terrible criminals that humanity has never known, that such people have never existed and will never be in the world again (delirium of enormity, delirium own negative exclusivity). This (the most severe and unfavorable) version of depression occurs more often in late-life psychoses (involutional, vascular, organic) and allows recovery in only about a quarter of cases.